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Dr. Sheila Quirk-Bailey is the fifth president of Illinois Central College and the first woman to hold the position. Since taking office in 2016, she has prioritized meeting students where they are and supporting them to success while aligning instructional programs with workforce gaps to drive regional economic vitality.

Quirk-Bailey implemented community-based strategic planning, resulting in advancement rates significantly above the national and state averages, including increases for underrepresented students. Quirk-Bailey also led ICC to create the Workforce and Diversity Division that has lifted nearly 3,000 individuals out of poverty by earning 4,000 credentials in partnership with economic development agencies, CBOs, labor unions, WIOA, other educational partners, and nearly $30 million in grant resources.

Under Quirk-Bailey’s leadership, ICC has excelled in developing workforce ecosystems. Examples include the Workforce Equity Initiative, which has served over 15,000 underrepresented individuals statewide across 20 colleges, resulting in jobs that pay significantly above the regional living wage, and the IT Workforce Accelerator, a regional workforce ecosystem including ICC, two other colleges, and over 200 employers, certifying 1,000 individuals with IT credentials and placing them into available positions over three years utilizing a nearly $15 million Good Job Challenge EDA grant.

A passionate equity, economic, and workforce development advocate, Dr. Quirk-Bailey serves as an officer for the Greater Peoria EDC, Distillery Labs (a regional Illinois Innovation Network Innovation Hub), and the Greater Peoria Leadership Council. She also spearheaded and is the ongoing co-chair of the Regional Workforce Alliance, a collective impact organization dedicated to expanding and improving the Central Illinois workforce. Statewide, she serves as the co-chair of the Illinois Innovation Network Workforce Development Committee and the chair of the Illinois Council of Community College Presidents Workforce Development Committee. Additionally, the Governor has appointed her to serve on multiple workforce and equity commissions.

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